Knowing You: A Masterclass in Emotional Intelligence

Do you find yourself frustrated with certain kinds of people and wondering why they just ‘don’t get it’

Do people misunderstand you, labelling you as too pushy, or too serious, or too enthusiastic, or too much of a pushover? 

Are you tired of feeling your communication doesn’t land? 

If any of these are familiar, join me for the next 2hr virtual event. Sign up to get updates on the next offering.

In this class you will learn:

  • The priorities that govern the way you approach your work and how they differ from those around you
  • How you affect others, and how others see you  
  • How to work more effectively AND communicate more powerfully - with everyone.

This is for you if: 

  • You want strategies to build more effective relationships built on respect and understanding
  • You don’t always understand how others react to you - and wish you did
  • You want to increase your self awareness and increase your EQ (emotional intelligence)

What you’ll get:

  • A 20 page personalized report describing your unique work style, priorities and stressors (view sample here)
  • A guided exploration of your unique self, how you differ from others and strategies to work more effectively with everyone
  • Access to an online portal to learn more about your work style, including podcasts, and interactive learning  


Cost: $149


On registration you will receive:

-a link to take an Everything DiSC assessment 

-the Zoom link for the Masterclass and Q&A.



"Clare's DISC training workshop was wonderful in so many ways! Not only is Clare a fantastic facilitator, but she made the session interactive and relatable on many levels. I enjoyed meeting other folks, and discussing all of the different communications styles - both in group conversation and in smaller break out rooms. I have directly applied the thinking and training in my daily work with team members and clients. It was very relevant and important information to incorporate into my overall communications skillset. I highly recommend it to anyone that works in a team or collaborative setting, especially at a managerial level. " - Caitlin


"Before attending Clare Monteau's workshop, I was struggling with confusion around others' responses to the way I communicated.  That confusion was cleared through the content of the workshop.  As a result, I am now more aware of people's various styles which allows me to modulate my communication to be best received." - Joelle

“…I get HOW to use this information...Thank you for showing me how I can use this to improve my relationships”

“I see how to articulate in a way I can be better understood; I feel much more empowered”. 

“I can see how in the past I’ve taken things personally, now I see how to have more compassion for others”.